nationwide network OF restoration specialists - gold winner SME BUSINESS AWARDS-2024
nationwide network OF restoration specialists - gold winner SME BUSINESS AWARDS-2024
The Restoration Group (TRG) have a real and meaningful relationship with the Armed Forces community no doubt due in no small part to our MD having served some 22 years in the Army. So it was no surprise when he announced that ‘if we are all in agreement can this year’s fund raising be for the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club (AFVBC)’. This is both a national and, indeed, an international organisation providing crucial support for veterans offering a space to connect with others who share similar military experiences and camaraderie all whilst enjoying a breakfast together.
This month TRG agreed to sponsor the AFVBC (Bolton Branch) to the tune of £750 which is half the cost of an AFVBC Standard they can proudly parade with on important military occasions. However, Jim being Jim ‘we can do more’ he said! ‘Why don’t we do a fund raising event as we have done in previous years and I know exactly what we can do, how about caving, it’s something that embodies challenge, risk, adventure and team ethos’ exactly what the military is about he said!………The whole team have now committed to raising funds for a caving expedition booked in July; are we excited, kind of; are we looking forward, kind of; are we nervous, definitely! We will, of course, update our website with the outcome of our subterranean adventure ….providing we don’t leave anyone down there Jim!
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