nationwide network OF restoration specialists - gold winner SME BUSINESS AWARDS-2024
nationwide network OF restoration specialists - gold winner SME BUSINESS AWARDS-2024
The Restoration Group (TRG) was established in 2022
when 2 colleagues undertook a review of the flooring and furniture sectors they were employed in and the wastage those sectors generated. They decided that there had to be a better way. Combining the talents of those two people, and linking that talent with more than 60 years of collective experience and underpinning it all with a passionate belief in restoration, recycling and re-use before replacement gave rise to a clear and determined retake of a new brush sweeps clean.
We are delighted to be asked to both Sponsor and Judge the SME National Business Awards 2025
We are absolutely delighted to announce that The Restoration Group took the Gold Award for ‘Best New Business’ at the London SME Business Awards on Friday. Amidst the business worlds great and good our MD proudly collected what is for us a very real confirmation that whilst raising profiles and increasing business visibility are important, delivering sustainably innovative services to our clients will always be top on our agenda.
12 months after launching, steadfastly growing and cautiously developing slowly into our ideal and, having begun to achieve both our financial and strategic goals The Restoration Groups reassurance we were on-track came when we received a mail confirming we had been shortlisted for the regional ‘Business of the Year awards held locally here in Bolton. Belief can be a great motivator in business and, this young team has always had that in spades. The awards night duly came and, the nervous wait was almost over. Finally, the host for the evening announced our category and, to our absolute delight, followed that by announcing that The restoration Group had won the regional ‘Business of the Year’ this was the absolute icing on the cake….or so we thought……. We were so elated; so elevated that we had not only been short listed but, incredibly, we had actually won!! The belief continued to grow.
Fast forward to Friday 1st December 2023 which saw team TRG take our Wembley Stadium table seats for the even bigger event; the ‘SME National Business Awards 2023’. We had been shortlisted again as finalists in both SME Best New Business & Sustainability awards. Some 900 attendees were seated each table anticipating; each table praying to the gods that it would be their company, their name. And, obviously, the atmosphere was incredibly charged.
Unfortunately, our prayers were not answered on this occasion and we didn’t win in either category and, so, didn’t carry those trophies home however, what we did take away with us was huge mutual respect from our clients, peers and colleagues for just getting there and, an even deeper belief and understanding in just what this team is actually capable of.
Life moves on, we as a company and a team continued our development and growth. Successful BDMA Claims Technician examinations for our staff, NCCA approved corporate membership and, finally Corporate Accredited Membership of the BDMA followed. The company now with 9 staff took the decision to move from working from home to hybrid working. This approach, we felt, has helped to foster greater levels of team engagement and collaboration whilst overall delivering a positive companywide impact.
1 year on and, as so often happens, history repeats itself and we find TRG once again shortlisted as finalists in both the Regional & National Business of the Year categories. Once again the September regional final was held in our home town and, once again we took our seats for what promised to be a night of expectation and hope, sadly, again it wasn’t to be our night and, once again, we consoled ourselves with the thought that ‘just being there was enough’.
December 2024 arrived, London beckoned and brought with it the excitement of ‘maybe this could be our night, maybe our growth, diversity and real customer care will be recognised’. And, it was. We are absolutely delighted to announce that The Restoration Group took the Gold Award for ‘Best New Business’ at the London SME Business Awards on Friday 6th December 2024.
Landfill sites are bursting at the seams and, the 3 biggest issues within these sites; toxins, leachate & greenhouse gases are, inevitably, having huge environmental impacts on society as a whole. The NGO WRAP (Waste and Resource Action Programme) estimates there are some 400,000 tonnes of carpet and 22 million items of furniture estimated at 670,000 tonnes discarded every year and most of it going to landfill. For these reasons TRG’s drive to recycle; upcycle & restore has to remain firmly on our ‘agenda for change’.
Using local tradesmen wherever possible to support both client and customer needs is critical if we are to minimise travel time, respond more quickly to appointment times, improve end to end customer journeys and, reduce carbon emissions however, the investment in local skills has additional benefits such as ensuring local communities are revitalised, whilst local economies can grow and, local wealth can re-circulate.
Growing our sustainable challenge is a guiding principle and this is supported by developing our B2B relationship with ethical companies such as the British Heart Foundation who remain keen to recycle a number of the sofa and furniture items we inspect and cannot restore. This policy step change is critical to supporting local communities and national ideals.
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